          Only the people of Burma can Liberate themselves Style of SPDC Only the people of Burma can LIBERATE themselves _ By Setkyar Heine Without a shadow of a doubt and with an unequivocal conviction also, I say Burma gained its independence because of General Aung San' 有巢氏房屋s own and only dedication, resolve and courage to endeavour in that direction and 'demand' for Burma's liberation from the colonialist rulers. Of course, General Aung San had the unequivocal suppo 個人信貸rt, cooperation and coordination of his colleagues, the likes of Mong Pang Saw Bwa Gyi and others who were also assassinated together with him. The politicians of those days, including Mong Pang Saw Bwa Gyi, did not have 'i 永慶房屋ll intentions' on the ethnic minorities. They had only the desire to see their country BURMA and the people who live in the country free from colonialist rule. And also, then leading figures in the country including those from the ethnic 建築設計minorities have given their signatures and shown their desire to live in the country as free men via Pang Long Agreement, the historic document showing the unity and resolve of all the people in Burma to live in freedom. Thus, Pang Long Agreement has laid 租屋網the foundation for Burma's freedom. The signing of this historic document by then leading figures in the ethnic minorities on Feb.12, 1947, culminated from General Aung San's initiative, leadership, and most importantly his sincerity. They had complete faith and t 租辦公室rust in him. They believed that he was the ONLY person in Burma, if not the world, who could free them from colonialist yoke. Yes, he was killed by a gang of Burmese murderers led by U Saw, one time prime minister of Burma, under Colonial rule. Nobody in his right senses and sincerity w 酒店打工ould ever DENY the fact that General Aung was INSTRUMENTAL in regaining Burma's sovereignty from colonialist rule. Yes, he was the ARCHITECT and FOUNDER of BURMA, and don't you have any qualms about the FACT. And also, today, General Aung San's daughter Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is sacrificing 賣房子 her life and limb in the cause of Burma's liberation from today's military rule in Burma. And 82% of the people of Burma are behind her. We should be well aware of the fact that UN or anybody on this earth could not help the people of Burma other than themselves to gain their freedom from SPDC in Burma as lon 關鍵字廣告g as China, and Russia amongst others like the ASEAN is colluding and standing tall for the SPDC today. Only the people of Burma can LIBERATE themselves from military rule and that's it PERIOD. And that should be the ATTITUDE and MINDSET that we should embrace in word and deed. 租房子m  .

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